Thursday, 15 October 2015

Madcap Comedy with Intelligence

August 012
Chapter Stwdio

Absolutely bonkers and completely madcap Yuri seems to take place in fantasy world where showers spout glitter and it’s perfectly acceptable to abduct a child from Lidl.

August 012 have been presenting ambitions and unusual work in Cardiff for the past few years and are guaranteed to produce a daring and enjoyable show. Although always pushing boundaries director Mathilde Lopez’s work often feels somehow unfinished, as if the physical production doesn’t quite represent her ambitious vision. But this time Lopez has struck gold - Yuri is fully realised and it is glorious!

Ceri Murphy and Carys Eleri revel in the surreal humour

The onstage trio of Carys Eleri (Adele/ Angharad), Ceri Murphy (Patrick) and Guto Wynne Davies (Yuri) work so well together to create the surreal yet believable world of play that they bring you with them, smiling amid the chaos. You become completely involved with the moral predicament Adele and Patrick find themselves in, wanting there to be a good outcome for all.

Dafydd James took on the formidable task of adapting Fabrice Melquiot’s absurd comedy to make it feel as if it is very much a play about Wales and what a good job he has done. It is presented in both Welsh and English versions, having surtitles in the other language for each performance. As someone with only a very basic grasp of Welsh I was still able to fully enjoy the Welsh language version of the show and would urge everyone to go and see a great example of how to make Welsh language theatre understandable for all in innovative and fun ways. Special mention should go to assistant director Elgan Rhys for ensuring continuity between the Welsh and English versions of the show.

Surtitles are integral to the design of the production rather than an afterthought

Although wonderfully chaotic and seemingly disconnected from reality Yuri discusses some very serious issues – such as failing fertility and its implications on fragile masculinity – with surprising sensitivity. Its exploration of national identity also feels very poignant in our world of mass displacement of refugees and the global discussion surrounding aid. Yuri is proof that serous issues don’t have to be presented with po-faced sterility, sometimes laughter really is the best medicine.

I urge you to see this intelligent and hilarious production that is completely leading the way for experimental and visually bold theatre making in South Wales.

Get tickets from

Thursday 15th October 8pm, English, BSL Interpreted Performance
Friday 16th October 8pm, Welsh
Saturday 17th October 2pm, English and 8pm, Welsh

£12/£10 (To see performances in both languages, please contact our box office directly on 029 2030 4400 for a special price of £20/£16)

Recommended for 18+ (nudity and strong language)

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